Images & Videos
The Original Team Pit-a-Full...Daze, Forrest & Kane
Team Pit-a-Full Generations
Team Pit-a-Full Generations
Our Giants [Great Danes, past and present]
Our Giants [Great Danes, past and present]
Dog Training: Deflating Aggressive Behavior (Enzo)

(Summer 2022) The Newest Member of Team Pit-a-Full: Bentley
2008: The Beginning of Team Pit-a-Full
The most unlikely of bed fellows: Team Pit-a-Full
Our Revolving Door: Team Pit-a-Full, and the addition of Roger
Nina (aka Fine Wine of Galveston, TX), and how she came waltzing into our lives, and hearts!
Team Pit-a-Full's second resident "Bubba" (ie passivist, least confrontational)...Darius!

Bentley at 2 years old

Christmas 2023, Darius gets his new doggy wheelchair!