Round Dog Training Logo for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation located in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 that provides Affordable Dog Training, Affordable Dog Trainer, Dog Training near Arvada, CO, Dog Training near 80002, Affordable Dog Trainer near me, Pit Bull trainer near me, Pitbull trainer near me, pit bull dog trainer, Pitbull dog trainer, Pitbull trainer pit bull trainer, aggressive dog training, dog training for aggression, dog trainers Denver, how to become a dog trainer, dog trainers Lakewood, CO, personal dog trainer near me, dog trainer near me, dog trainer Denver, dog trainer boulder, dog training, service dog training, dog training classes, dog training Arvada, dog training and boarding near me, dog training app, dog training Arvada CO, dog training at home, aggressive dog training, aggressive dog training near me, affordable dog training near me, Private Dog Training, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Training, Personal Dog Trainer, One on One Dog Training, One on One Dog Trainer affenpinscher Afghan hound Airedale terrier Akita Alaskan Malamute American Staffordshire terrier American water spaniel Australian cattle dog Australian shepherd Australian terrier basenji basset hound beagle bearded collie Bedlington terrier Bernese mountain dog bichon frise black and tan coonhound bloodhound border collie border terrier borzoi Boston terrier bouvier des Flandres boxer briard Brittany Brussels griffon bull terrier bulldog bullmastiff cairn terrier Canaan dog Chesapeake Bay retriever Chihuahua Chinese crested Chinese shar-pei chow chow Clumber spaniel cocker spaniel collie curly-coated retriever dachshund Dalmatian Doberman pinscher English cocker spaniel English setter English springer spaniel English toy spaniel Eskimo dog Finnish spitz flat-coated retriever fox terrier foxhound French bulldog German shepherd German shorthaired pointer German wirehaired pointer golden retriever Gordon setter Great Dane greyhound Irish setter Irish water spaniel Irish wolfhound Jack Russell terrier Japanese spaniel keeshond Kerry blue terrier komondor kuvasz Labrador retriever Lakeland terrier Lhasa apso Maltese Manchester terrier mastiff Mexican hairless Newfoundland Norwegian elkhound Norwich terrier otterhound papillon Pekingese pointer Pomeranian poodle pug puli Rhodesian ridgeback Rottweiler Saint Bernard saluki Samoyed schipperke schnauzer Scottish deerhound Scottish terrier Sealyham terrier Shetland sheepdog shih tzu Siberian husky silky terrier Skye terrier Staffordshire bull terrier soft-coated wheaten terrier Sussex spaniel spitz Tibetan terrier, vizsla, Weimaraner, Welsh terrier, West Highland white terrier, whippet, Yorkshire terrier, Pit Bull trainer near Arvada, CO, Pit Bull Training near Arvada, CO, Pit Bull Rehabilitation near Arvada, CO, Pit Bulls in Denver, CO, Pit Bull Dog Training near Arvada, CO, Pit Bull Dog Trainer near Arvada Boulder Brighton Broomfield Centennial Commerce City Denver Denver Tech Center Englewood Erie Evergreen Golden Highlands Ranch Lafayette Lakewood Littleton Morrison Northglenn Parker Superior Thornton Westminster Wheat Ridge Inexpensive Dog Training, Inexpensive Dog Trainer, Affordable Dog Training, Affordable Dog Trainer, Dog Training near Arvada, CO, Dog Training near 80002, Affordable Dog Trainer near me, Pit Bull trainer near me, Pitbull trainer near me, pit bull dog trainer, Pitbull dog trainer, Pitbull trainer pit bull trainer, aggressive dog training, dog training for aggression, dog trainers Denver, how to become a dog trainer, dog trainers Lakewood, CO, dog training in Denver, CO, personal dog trainer near me, dog trainer near me, dog trainer Denver, dog trainer boulder, dog training, service dog training, dog training classes, dog training Arvada, dog training and boarding near me, dog training app, dog training Arvada CO, dog training at home, aggressive dog training, aggressive dog training near me, affordable dog training near me, Private Dog Training, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Training, Personal Dog Trainer, One on One Dog Training, One on One Dog Trainer, LGBTQIA+, "We Serve Everyone", Social Diversity, "We Welcome Everyone", Dog, Dogs, Multi-Dog Home, Dog Advocacy, Dog History, Dog Breeds, History of the Domestic Dog, Dog Breed History, Dog Fanciers, Family Dog, Companion Dog, Assistance Dog, Service Dog, Therapy Dog, Protection Dog, Hunting Dog, Rescued Dog, Shelter Dog, Stray Dog, Working Dog, Pit Bull, Pit Bulls, Pitbulls, Pitbull, American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstaff, Staffordshire Terrier, Staffy, American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Information, Pit BUll Advocacy, Pit Bull Trainer, Pit Bull Trainer, Responsible Dog Ownership, Dog Lover, Dog Lovers, We Love Dogs,
Image of vintage diary and vintage dog leash produced by Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 specializing in aggressive dogs and dog aggression, reactive dogs and dog reactivity, leash pulling and pulling on leash, separation anxiety, dogs with social anxiety and anxious dogs, dogs with post traumatic stress syndrome and canine ptsd, post trauma rehabilitation,

A Day in the Life

a somewhat periodical journal of events, achievements, learnings and epiphany's in dog training, and my life with dogs

Looking Back to Move Forward

16 Jan 2025

...This relationship, this connection, this bonding is unquestionable and true. From our initial crossing of paths to this day, there is no union stronger than that with our dogs.

As the world around us changes socially, politically, economically, EVEN intellectually... dogs remain our constant unwavering companions. They have aided us through troubled times in the past, and I believe they will remain by our side now. Better equipped with science and healthier foods and medicines and better understanding of our dog's behaviors... let us be the better leaders our dogs deserve. 

The food water shelter Vet-care and family to belong too? A sound investment, indeed. 

Just before Christmas 2024...

The future of things is uncertain with such a warped administration on the horizon. But let me earmark the concern and enjoy the day.

The most broken dogs I could assemble, and their turn around, and their companionship loyalty and unconditional love... 

They are the Christmas present I enjoy every day of the year.


Take a dog never given the chance to connect with a human, never given a chance to exercise its "domesticated", shunned and alienated to the point it bites... 

Then take in that dog, connect with it, let it be a domestic dog, train and rehabilitate, and make part of your family... and watch it thrive.

THAT is what I am thankful for on this day. 

(ps... part of the domestication is sharing our 

turkey dinner. Lena just 🤯)

After the election on November 5th, 2024, the future of things, the world we know, right and wrong are uncertain. 

I'm glad it is with dogs that I face that future. 

A certain duality... somewhere between grieving and wailing for the past and everyone we have lost, and a deliberate excitement and anticipation of the future and where Team Pit-a-Full may lead us. 

Image of antique pocket watch on rustic wood background for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada CO 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault
Image of silhouette of man walking in tunnel for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault
Image of futuristic computer touch screen in Blue hues for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault
Image of Bluenose Pit Bull named Darius of Team pit-a-Full Dog Training and Rehabilitation Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002  who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault

 October 1, 2024

We lost Darius tonight (RIP). Though I feel a deep sense of loss and I will grieve, I also feel a great sense of satisfaction and a sense of "a life fulfilled" for him. 

A  "Bait Dog" survivor, his whole back end (hips, TPLO's and ACL's) rebuilt at age 5, Darius helped train MANY of our dog training trainees as well as the Team Pit-a-Full generation his junior.  Darius LOVED food, naps, hugs and more food.

Darius was surrounded by love when he passed. 

Going into my 35th year of working with dogs, Ive never stopped learning. Whether it be a text book behavior with an impossible twist to it, or pet parents who presents challenges I've never encountered before... the learning curve has and will continue to be a long one. 

Today... I learned that a service like dog training is not always best served with velvet gloves. Sometimes, pet parent (just like some dogs) need a little muscle, they need a little shove.

Now I must master a perfect balance. Yikes.

Image of arm flexing muscle with grey and white gradient background for Team pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO serving the city of Arvada and surrounding communities with dog training, dog trainer, dog trainers, dog training near me in Arvada CO,  dog trainer near me in Arvada, CO, Pit Bulls, Pitbulls, Pit Bull Trainer, Pit Bull Training,

September 12, 2024 

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our Matriarch... Lily.

Lily lived to the ripe age of 16 years old, and never left her mama's side.  Lily was the last of the 1st generation of Team Pit-a-Full, and will be loved and missed forever. 

Not exactly Pit Bull, and not quite Belgian Malinois either...

Welcome "Lena" to the Team Pit-a-Full Family of former felons, losers, b!tches and thieves.

Lena was unwanted in Roswell, NM, unwanted in Denver, CO, went through a few fosters and bit a few trainers on her way to us. SHE'S PERFECT!!!!

I wonder if dogs know how much us humans 

adore them? 

July 31, 2024

You work with a trainer, you practice with your dog, and all of the sudden when you need your dog at his/her best: 

they are.

Image of girl with small dog with grassy background for Team Pit-a-Full dog training and rehabilitation in Olde town Arvada, Colorado

May 8, 2024

With very little warning and at lightning speed... we lost Roger to a ruptured cancerous growth at 530am this morning. He was and always will be loved as family.

Meanwhile... the scales tip, the door spins, and we close ranks (and grieve) in preparation to move on. 

...the basic math:

1) we subtract or shut off nervous aggression using basic language of treat training

2) bad energy is gone, yet un-used energy remains, so...

3) every other aspect of the dog (social-ability, prey drive, play, scenting, etc) is re-introduced and reinforced with

4) we fortify the dog with both  confidence building and tolerance building exercises

4) with consistency and a little practice, the new calm behavior becomes the norm (with safety nets included)  

the difference between a dog owner and a 

dog leader... 

March 14, 2024

Collectively... all the dogs, their ages, their different speed's and MO's.... they create this custom fit. 

And this moment of absolute fit may never come again, but what a moment it is. 

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” 

– Roger Caras

“If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.” 

– Woodrow Wilson

“The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man’s.” 

– Mark Twain 

March 2024

Call them my family

my employees

my companions

my personal rehab techs

my teachers

... and you would not be wrong.

February 13, 2024

Since 1990 when I started working with dogs, I've been in a constant pursuit of the perfect explanation of our training and its result. I'm not sure if this is it, but:

"Our approach to training does address individual behaviors, but more accurately, it changes the relationship  between human and dog resulting in a calmer, more confident dog who is far less likely to act out in the first place." 

The math: A loyal dog will do anything (or nothing) we ask. 

Logan of Team Pit-a-Full

Black and white Image of dog silhouette looking at window at wintery scene for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO that specializes in Dog Training, Dog Trainers, Dog Rehabilitation, Dog behaviors including aggression, pulling on leash, reactivity, separation anxiety, dogs fighting, food aggression, human aggression, leash aggression, Pit Bulls, Pit Bull, Amstaffs, Staffies, XL Bullies, American Bullies, Pocket Pits, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Pit Bull Mix, All Breeds, Dogs, Dog Behavior

Winter 2023-2024

These freezing cold temperatures keeping us indoors is like the isolation we all faced during covid 2020. 

So is the cabin fever or manic behavior that can accompany it.  

As a Dog Trainer:  Engage with your dog indoors, with both physical and mental stimuli, for at least 20 minutes a day.

As a dog owner: Treats, movies, get' em out when ya can. 

One, absolutely uncontestable fact about dogs, is their loyalty, their sense of group, and their "unconditional" is unwavering. 


Image of man holding up Great Dane on its hind legs on bed by Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 and How Bentley Got Her Rocky Mountain High On

In bringing a deaf dog into our group, I not only hoped to recruit a new dog, but to also pull this particular dog out of her secluded world and into ours.  What I've learned along the way: 1) Bentley never was secluded, she just experiences the world from a slightly different point of view. 2) It was my own limitations that were in the way of figuring this out. 3) Bentley's lack of audio is replaced was a highly keen sense of smell (well beyond our other dogs) and eye sight, but it is her sense of touch/vibration/even sensitivity to air pressure change that is EPIC. 4) Bentley is 99% otherwise all Great Dane... a ham, very vocal, mouthy/play biting, sleeps with her butt in the air, and is a lover.  

Dec 6, 2023

In dog training, using a dog-teaching-dog-technique... there is no pride or ego or ulterior motive beyond acquiring the treat/ positive response for the trainee. Just a simple observe, mimic, treat-in-the-belly procedure. 

If only humans were so simple. 

Image of Furry Terrier Dog wearing glasses and plaid bandana in front of old wooden fence for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 that specializes in  in aggressive dogs and dog aggression, reactive dogs and dog reactivity, leash pulling and pulling on leash, separation anxiety, dogs with social anxiety and anxious dogs, dogs with post traumatic stress syndrome and canine ptsd, post trauma rehabilitation for pit bulls, Pit Bulls, Pitbulls, pitbulls, American Bully's, Pocket Pits, Pocket Pit Bulls, XL American Bully's, Dogs, dogs, canines, Canines, dog breeds,
Image of Senior black Pit Bull with gray face, collar, tags, names Lily with Team Pit-a-Full of Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 who specialize in Pit Bulls, Pitbulls,  American Bully, XL Bully, XL American Bully, Pocket Pit Bulls, Pocket Pits, Amstaff, American Staffordshire Terrier, Aggression, Separation Anxiety, Reactivity, Fighting, Leash Aggression, Food Aggression,  Socialization, Introductions, exercise and fitness,

"The old saw about old dogs and new tricks only applies to certain people." 

~Daniel Pinkwater

Vintage Image of Sir Charles Darwin by Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation located in Arvada, CO 80002 specializing in dog training and rehabilitation for aggression, reactivity, pulling on leash, separation anxiety, food aggression, resource guarding, responding to commands, socialization, introductions, FREE dog training assessment, In-home dog training, One-on-One Dog Training, Affordable Dog Training, Pit Bull Dog Training, Pit Bull Training, Pit Bull Trainer

Nov 26 2023

Empedocles,  Aristotle, and Darwin...  they all theorized evolution, "survival of the fittest", and adaptation. The ability to change to meet the need, and what that can sometimes look like. 🐾

And then along comes Bentley! A living, walking, breathing example of adaptation and changing to meet a need. Bentley is deaf, and is also expected to fulfil her part within our group. With the right tools, training, practice and patience... Bentley now thrives seamlessly in that group. 

... and her mega-sense of smell lead us. 

Image of Bentley the Deaf Fawnequin Great Dane Dog by Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation located in Arvada, CO 80002 specializing in dog training and rehabilitation for aggression, reactivity, pulling on leash, separation anxiety, food aggression, resource guarding, responding to commands, socialization, introductions, FREE dog training assessment, In-home dog training, One-on-One Dog Training, Affordable Dog Training, Pit Bull Dog Training, Pit Bull Training, Pit Bull Trainer

Nov 12, 2023

Nothing new, but a wonderful reminder...

Working with a brand new client and their quite human aggressive/ reactive Pit Bull Labrador Mix, we came across yet another Bermuda Triangle of Dog Walking. For those who are not familiar with the BTDW... it's when 3 or more negative stimuli occur all at once, in one spot, with a dog walker in the middle. Could be traffic on one side, a barking dog on another, and a skateboard whizzing by on the third.  Botton line: it's a sh!t-show to deal with.  

Not even at the end of our first hour together... we found ourselves in the middle of BTDW. We not only survived it, but made it into our first introduction to tolerance training. A+ Ending.

At the end of MY DAY, it reminds me that our Dog Training program is highly effective. It also reminds me why I ❤️ what I do. 

May 13, 2023-

Sure sure sure... dog training is about getting a dog to respond to our wishes, when we want them to. 

But to connect with a dog, to bond, to trust, to become an extension of one another?

Image of Person and dog walking out of dark tunnel into the light, for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training and Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 specializing in dog aggression, food aggression, leash aggression, crate aggression, separation anxiety, reactivity, pulling on leash, jumping on people,
Image of Black and White photo of German Shepherd Dog and small child face to face for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault

The poor dog, in life the firmest friend. The first to welcome, foremost to defend.” 

~Lord Byron 

<the many> "We want a dog for companionship, for exercise motivation, for protection, for unconditional love and loyalty, no matter what." 

Image of mand and dog walking on dirt road towards setting sun and trees

<the one> "Is it mutual?"

“The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog.” 

~George Graham 

“A dog is a bond between strangers.” 

~John Steinbeck 

Image of bowls of colorful spices and herbs used by Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitationin Olde Town Arvada, CO 80002 for training deaf great dane dog to scent and use sense of smell again.

June 11, 2022 - 

Before we brought Bentley up from Houston, we got her disco lights (see June 6, 2022). It just made sense to cater to her, visually. The night we got home: Herb and Spice Therapy!!! Because we noticed Bentley not really committing to scenting or letting herself immerse in a scent. So, at 2'o'clock in the morning... we did just that. I pulled down my entire stock of herbs and spices (maybe 200, 210 varieties) and we sat and went bottle by bottle. 3 kinds of Sage, Organic Cumin (vs the cheap stuff), Fresh Nutmeg, Lemon Rind, etc... The lesson: "Your sense of smell is not a fault, rather, a Super-power.  USE IT!!!!" 

Image of silhouette of person and dog on horizon  for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault

"If I could be half the person my dog is, I'd be twice the human I am." 

~ Charles Yu

June 6, 2022 - 

In preparation of bringing Bentley (a deaf 7 mo old Fawnequin Great Dane)  into our fold, we thought outside of the Box.

@ $10 on Amazon, we got sound-activated lights bars/ disco lights. Our thinking:  Bentley will "SEE" everything we can hear. It worked, extremely well. 

Image of sound activated light bar lights with colorful background.
Image of man with dog on green rug in embrace.

October 2020

When you have a dog that is one-part German Shepherd and that part has been stifled, simply cultivating and release the GSD in the dog.  The dog will show you an entirely New Gear in Loyalty!

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.” 

~Mark Twain 

Summer 2020 -

Building trust with our dogs? Absolutely. In asking dogs to accept and follow our leadership, we must address their need for trust in  their leader... to be able to count on their leader... no matter what. 

So we practice on the kid's playground equipment, we have them learn basic slalom/ agility, we assist them walking on a log or low wall/ curb and other trust/ confidence building exercises.   

...And when we really need our dog to trust us, to comply... even under extenuating circumstances: they do. 

Image of black and white photo of a dog paw in a human hand for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault

[Summer 2014]

with time, patience and practice...

they too will teach another.

Image of Man sitting on floor training main dogs American Sign Language for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault
Image of man posing with six dogs in park for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault

February 2011

This over-powering sense of group and belonging and balance... like I've never had before. 

Circa 1995 or so...

This revolving door, the dogs they come and then they go. And every time, my heart gets broken... until the door turns again. 

Image of black and white photo of antique revolving door  for Team Pit-a-Full Dog Training & Rehabilitation in Olde Town Arvada, Colorado 80002 who specialize in Private Dog Training Lessons, Personal Dog Training Lessons, Private Dog Trainer, Personal Dog Trainer, in and around Arvada, CO for dog behavioral problems and issues including dog aggression, human aggression, people aggression, food aggression, over-excited energy, reactivity, leash aggression, separation anxiety, introduction to other dogs, territoriality, over-protective, responsible leadership, canine parents, establishing routine, Fears and Phobias, Separation Anxiety, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, Aggression, Fear-related Aggression, Possessive Aggression (Resource Guarding), Play Aggression, Redirected Aggression: Irritable/Conflict/Impulse Control Aggression, Aggression Toward Other Dogs, Territorial/Protective Aggression, Predatory Aggression, Pain-induced and Medical Causes of Aggression Maternal Aggression serving  the entire Denver Metro area including One-on-One, In-home dog training and rehabilitation all over the entire Denver Metro Area including Denver  Boulder Englewood Greenwood Village Littleton Broomfield Centennial Aurora Westminster Louisville Longmont Golden Lakewood Lafayette Greeley Castle Rock Arvada Wheat Ridge Evergreen Parker Niwot Erie Brighton Highlands Ranch Henderson Conifer Black Hawk Nederland Dacono Johnstown Bailey Larkspur Windsor Morrison Franktown Briggsdale Hygiene Roggen Grant Rollinsville Firestone Keenesburg Carr Empire Idaho Springs Galeton Eldorado Springs Strasburg Eastlake La Salle Buffalo Creek Agate Platteville Foxton Watkins Pierce Indian Hills Milliken Shawnee Hereford Allenspark Kersey Como Cherry Hills Village Silver Plume Dumont Alma Severance Matheson Guffey Idledale Commerce City Fort Lupton Kittredge Central City Georgetown Elizabeth Sedalia Fairplay Lyons Stoneham Grover Byers Lucerne Evans Simla Hudson Lake George Deer Trail Louviers Gill Frederick Nunn Dupont Ward Bennett New Raymer Mead Hartsel Eaton Kiowa Jamestown Gilcrest Jefferson Ault
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